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How to Create Business Cards in Microsoft Word

How to Create Business Cards in Microsoft Word
Table of Contents

Creating your own business cards offers a great opportunity to represent your individualism and what your business is all about. Microsoft Word offers a simple way to design your cards from scratch in very little time. We have put together this easy-to-follow guide on how to design your business cards in Microsoft Word. Have a read, it has everything you need to follow!

Step 1: Setting Up Your Page Layout

The first step is to ensure you set up your document or page layout to the correct dimensions. To do this:

  1. Open up a blank page document in Microsoft Word
  2. Go to Page Layout > Paper Size
  3. Scroll down to More Paper Sizes in the drop-down menu
  4. Change the paper size from A4 to Custom size
  5. Change the dimensions to 91mm x 61mm – this is standard business card size plus an additional 3mm bleed area on each side

Step 2: Adding Your Content

A key aspect of your business card design is the content you decide to include on it. This information will display your business name and your best forms of contact. It is essential to include your name, phone number, email, website URL, and if applicable, your business social media links.


To add text to your business card design in Microsoft Word:

  1. Go to Insert > Text Box
  2. Choose a text box style or click on the ‘Draw Text Box’ option
  3. Click and drag to draw a text box
  4. Type your information into the text box
  5. You can change your font styles, sizes and colour under the Home tab

Step 3: Customise Your Design

Step 3 gives you the chance to get creative and insert your logo and business colours to design a card that’s unique to your brand. Here’s how!

Adding a background colour

  1. Select the Text Box and select Format > Shape Fill
  2. Pick a colour from the colour picker*

*Please note that some colours may differ from what is viewed on screen and in the final print. See our CMYK guide to find out why.

Adding your logo or other images

To add an image, like your logo to your design:

  1. Go to Insert > Picture > This device
  2. Choose the image you want to include
  3. Click on Insert for the image to appear inside your design box
  4. Click Home and choose your desired alignment

To reposition the image select it and hit the Enter button until you’re satisfied

Adding shapes

Adding a shape to your business card can add interest to your design and help differentiate your brand from others. To add a shape:

  1. Go to Insert > Shapes
  2. Choose a shape that you would like to add to your design
  3. Draw the shape by clicking and dragging on your document
  4. You can change colours, add borders and shadows under the Format tab

Step 4: Saving Your Business Card Design

Once you have exercised all the different elements of your business card design it’s time to save your document. To ensure everything prints properly and the template remains as it should, you’ll need to save your file in a way that embeds or flattens all the elements.

The easiest way to do this is to save your finished file as a PDF:

  1. Go to File > Save As
  2. Choose the location of where you want to save this file
  3. Name your file
  4. Then, under the ‘Save as type’ drop-down menu, choose PDF

Your business card is now ready to print! You can now Upload your new business card design and send it to us to print.

Need more help?

For more help or if you’d like a second pair of eyes to look over your design template, get in touch with our team and we’ll be happy to help. Or if you want a different way to design, check out our free business card templates that you can customise online for free.

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The Author - Mohi Uddin

The purpose of my blog is to keep you informed with the latest industry news while providing valuable business tips. Your feedback will be appreciated and encourage you to share your thoughts through comments on my posts.

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